
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _ 
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B_ENCODER - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.mail.util.StreamProvider.EncoderTypes
BAD_GATEWAY - Enum constant in enum class
502 Bad Gateway, see HTTP/1.1 documentation.
BAD_REQUEST - Enum constant in enum class
400 Bad Request, see HTTP/1.1 documentation.
BadRequestException - Exception Class in
A runtime exception indicating a bad client request.
BadRequestException() - Constructor for exception class
Construct a new bad client request exception.
BadRequestException(Response) - Constructor for exception class
Construct a new bad client request exception.
BadRequestException(Response, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class
Construct a new bad client request exception.
BadRequestException(String) - Constructor for exception class
Construct a new bad client request exception.
BadRequestException(String, Response) - Constructor for exception class
Construct a new bad client request exception.
BadRequestException(String, Response, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class
Construct a new bad client request exception.
BadRequestException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class
Construct a new bad client request exception.
BadRequestException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class
Construct a new bad client request exception.
BARE - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.jws.soap.SOAPBinding.ParameterStyle
BASE_64 - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.mail.util.StreamProvider.EncoderTypes
BASE_64 - Static variable in class jakarta.json.bind.config.BinaryDataStrategy
Using this strategy, binary data is encoded using the Base64 encoding scheme as specified in RFC 4648 and RFC 2045.
BASE_64_URL - Static variable in class jakarta.json.bind.config.BinaryDataStrategy
Using this strategy, binary data is encoded using the "URL and Filename safe Base64 Alphabet" as specified in Table 2 of RFC 4648.
BaseTableRenderer - Class in com.sun.faces.renderkit.html_basic
Base class for concrete Grid and Table renderers.
BaseTableRenderer() - Constructor for class com.sun.faces.renderkit.html_basic.BaseTableRenderer
BaseTableRenderer.TableMetaInfo - Class in com.sun.faces.renderkit.html_basic
baseUri() - Method in interface
Convenience method that returns a built the URI for the application.
baseUri(String) - Method in interface
Set the base URI as a string for resolution of relative URIs.
baseUri(URI) - Method in interface
Set the base URI for resolution of relative URIs.
baseUriBuilder() - Method in interface
Returns a UriBuilder that includes the application root path.
BaseWebConfigResourceProvider - Class in com.sun.faces.config.configprovider
BaseWebConfigResourceProvider() - Constructor for class com.sun.faces.config.configprovider.BaseWebConfigResourceProvider
Basic - Annotation Interface in jakarta.persistence
The simplest type of mapping of a persistent field or property to a single database column.
BASIC - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.persistence.metamodel.Attribute.PersistentAttributeType
Basic attribute
BASIC - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.persistence.metamodel.Type.PersistenceType
Basic type
BASIC_AUTH - Static variable in class jakarta.faces.context.ExternalContext
String identifier for BASIC authentication.
BASIC_AUTH - Static variable in interface jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest
String identifier for Basic authentication.
BASIC_AUTH - Static variable in interface
String identifier for Basic authentication.
BasicAuthenticationCredential - Class in
BasicAuthenticationCredential extends UsernamePasswordCredential to represent credentials used by HTTP Basic Authentication.
BasicAuthenticationCredential(String) - Constructor for class
BasicAuthenticationMechanismDefinition - Annotation Interface in
Annotation used to define a container authentication mechanism that implements the HTTP basic access authentication protocol as defined by the Servlet spec (13.6.1) and make that implementation available as an enabled CDI bean.
BasicAuthenticationMechanismDefinition.BasicAuthenticationMechanism - Annotation Interface in
BasicAuthenticationMechanismDefinition.BasicAuthenticationMechanism.Literal - Class in
Supports inline instantiation of the BasicAuthenticationMechanismDefinition.BasicAuthenticationMechanism qualifier.
BasicAuthenticationMechanismDefinition.List - Annotation Interface in
Enables multiple BasicAuthenticationMechanismDefinition annotations on the same type.
BasicRepository<T,K> - Interface in
A built-in repository supertype for performing basic operations on entities.
BasicType<X> - Interface in jakarta.persistence.metamodel
An instance of BasicType represents a basic type (possibly an enumerated, LOB, or temporal type).
Batchlet - Interface in jakarta.batch.api
A batchlet is type of batch step that can be used for any type of background processing that does not explicitly call for a chunk oriented approach.
BatchProperty - Annotation Interface in jakarta.batch.api
Annotation used by batch artifacts and CDI Beans to declare a field or other element which is injectable via a JSL-defined value (possibly leveraging Job XML substitutions).
BatchRuntime - Class in jakarta.batch.runtime
BatchRuntime represents the Jakarta Batch Runtime.
BatchRuntime() - Constructor for class jakarta.batch.runtime.BatchRuntime
BatchRuntimeException - Exception Class in jakarta.batch.operations
This is the common base class for all of the RuntimeException(s) thrown by the JobOperator API methods to its callers.
BatchRuntimeException() - Constructor for exception class jakarta.batch.operations.BatchRuntimeException
BatchRuntimeException(String) - Constructor for exception class jakarta.batch.operations.BatchRuntimeException
BatchRuntimeException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class jakarta.batch.operations.BatchRuntimeException
BatchRuntimeException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class jakarta.batch.operations.BatchRuntimeException
BatchStatus - Enum Class in jakarta.batch.runtime
BatchStatus enum defines the batch status values possible for a job.
BCC - Static variable in class jakarta.mail.Message.RecipientType
The "Bcc" (blind carbon copy) recipients.
bean() - Method in interface
Returns the bean that declares this observer method.
bean() - Element in annotation interface
The WebServiceFeature bean that is associated with the WebServiceFeature annotation
Bean<T> - Interface in jakarta.enterprise.inject.spi
Represents an enabled bean.
BEAN - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.ejb.ConcurrencyManagementType
Bean developer is responsible for managing concurrent access to the bean instance.
BEAN - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.ejb.TransactionManagementType
Bean-managed transaction management is used.
BEAN - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.validation.ElementKind
A Java Bean or object.
BEAN_RESOLVER - Static variable in class com.sun.faces.el.ELUtils
BeanAttributes<T> - Interface in jakarta.enterprise.inject.spi
The BeanAttributes interface exposes the basic attributes of a bean.
BeanAttributesConfigurator<T> - Interface in jakarta.enterprise.inject.spi.configurator
This API is an helper to configure a new BeanAttributes instance.
beanClass(Class<?>) - Method in interface jakarta.enterprise.inject.spi.configurator.BeanConfigurator
Set the class of the configured Bean.
beanClass(Class<?>) - Method in interface jakarta.enterprise.inject.spi.configurator.ObserverMethodConfigurator
Set the class of the Bean containing this observer.
BeanConfigurator<T> - Interface in jakarta.enterprise.inject.spi.configurator
This API is an helper to configure a new Bean instance.
BeanContainer - Interface in jakarta.enterprise.inject.spi
BeanContainer is a superclass of BeanManager containing capabilities that are portable across all CDI environments.
BeanDescriptor - Interface in jakarta.validation.metadata
Describes a constrained Java Bean and the constraints associated to it.
BeanELResolver - Class in jakarta.el
Defines property resolution behavior on objects using the JavaBeans component architecture.
BeanELResolver() - Constructor for class jakarta.el.BeanELResolver
Creates a new read/write BeanELResolver.
BeanELResolver(boolean) - Constructor for class jakarta.el.BeanELResolver
Creates a new BeanELResolver whose read-only status is determined by the given parameter.
BeanInfo - Interface in
Beans are: managed beans beans defined by producer methods beans defined by producer fields synthetic beans Managed beans are also known as class-based beans, while beans defined by producer methods and producer fields are together also known as producer-based beans.
BEANINFO_KEY - Static variable in class jakarta.faces.component.UIComponent
The value of this constant is used as the key in the component attribute map, the value for which is a java.beans.BeanInfo implementation describing the composite component.
beanInterface() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.ejb.EJB
The interface type of the Enterprise Bean to which this reference is mapped.
BeanManager - Interface in jakarta.enterprise.inject.spi
Allows a portable extension to interact directly with the container.
beanName() - Element in annotation interface jakarta.ejb.EJB
The beanName element references the value of the name element of the Stateful or Stateless annotation, whether defaulted or explicit.
BeanNameELResolver - Class in jakarta.el
An ELResolver for resolving user or container managed beans.
BeanNameELResolver(BeanNameResolver) - Constructor for class jakarta.el.BeanNameELResolver
BeanNameResolver - Class in jakarta.el
Resolves a bean by its known name.
BeanNameResolver() - Constructor for class jakarta.el.BeanNameResolver
BeanParam - Annotation Interface in
The annotation that may be used to inject custom JAX-RS "parameter aggregator" value object into a resource class field, property or resource method parameter.
BeanValidation - Class in com.sun.faces.util
Various utility methods for use with the Jakarta Bean Validation API in Jakarta Faces.
BeanValidation() - Constructor for class com.sun.faces.util.BeanValidation
BeanValidator - Class in jakarta.faces.validator
A Validator that delegates validation of the bean property to the Bean Validation API.
BeanValidator() - Constructor for class jakarta.faces.validator.BeanValidator
BEARER - Enum constant in enum class
BEFORE_COMPLETION - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.enterprise.event.TransactionPhase
Identifies a before completion observer method, called during the before completion phase of the transaction.
beforeBean(BeforeBeanDiscovery, BeanManager) - Method in class com.sun.faces.application.view.ViewScopeExtension
Before bean discovery.
beforeBean(BeforeBeanDiscovery, BeanManager) - Method in class com.sun.faces.cdi.clientwindow.ClientWindowScopeExtension
beforeBeanDiscovery(BeforeBeanDiscovery, BeanManager) - Method in class com.sun.faces.application.view.ViewScopeExtension
beforeBeanDiscovery(BeforeBeanDiscovery, BeanManager) - Method in class com.sun.faces.cdi.CdiExtension
BeforeBeanDiscovery: add impl specific managed beans
beforeBeanDiscovery(BeforeBeanDiscovery, BeanManager) - Method in class com.sun.faces.flow.FlowCDIExtension
Before bean discovery.
BeforeBeanDiscovery - Interface in jakarta.enterprise.inject.spi
This event type is thrown by the container before the bean discovery process begins.
beforeChunk() - Method in class jakarta.batch.api.chunk.listener.AbstractChunkListener
Override this method if the ChunkListener will do something before the chunk begins.
beforeChunk() - Method in interface jakarta.batch.api.chunk.listener.ChunkListener
The beforeChunk method receives control before processing of the next chunk begins.
beforeCompletion() - Method in interface jakarta.ejb.SessionSynchronization
The beforeCompletion method notifies a stateful session bean instance that a transaction is about to be committed.
beforeCompletion() - Method in interface jakarta.transaction.Synchronization
The beforeCompletion method is called by the transaction manager prior to the start of the two-phase transaction commit process.
BeforeCompletion - Annotation Interface in jakarta.ejb
Designate a stateful session bean method to receive the before completion session synchronization callback.
beforeCursor(PageRequest.Cursor) - Method in interface
Requests cursor-based pagination in the previous page direction relative to the specified key values.
beforeDelivery(Method) - Method in interface jakarta.resource.spi.endpoint.MessageEndpoint
This is called by a resource adapter before a message is delivered.
BeforeDestroyed - Annotation Interface in jakarta.enterprise.context
An event with this qualifier is fired when a context is about to be destroyed, i.e.
BeforeDestroyed.Literal - Class in jakarta.enterprise.context
Supports inline instantiation of the BeforeDestroyed qualifier.
beforeEvaluation(ELContext, String) - Method in class jakarta.el.EvaluationListener
Receives notification before a Jakarta Expression Language expression is evaluated
beforeJob() - Method in class jakarta.batch.api.listener.AbstractJobListener
Override this method if the JobListener will do something before the job begins.
beforeJob() - Method in interface jakarta.batch.api.listener.JobListener
The beforeJob method receives control before the job execution begins.
beforeKey(Object...) - Method in interface
Requests cursor-based pagination in the previous page direction relative to the specified key.
beforeMarshal(Object) - Method in class jakarta.xml.bind.Marshaller.Listener
Callback method invoked before marshalling from source to XML.
beforePartitionedStepCompletion() - Method in class jakarta.batch.api.partition.AbstractPartitionReducer
Override this method to take action before normal partitioned step processing ends.
beforePartitionedStepCompletion() - Method in interface jakarta.batch.api.partition.PartitionReducer
The beforePartitionedStepCompletion method receives control at the end of partitioned step processing.
beforePhase(PhaseEvent) - Method in class com.sun.faces.lifecycle.ELResolverInitPhaseListener
beforePhase(PhaseEvent) - Method in class com.sun.faces.lifecycle.HttpMethodRestrictionsPhaseListener
beforePhase(PhaseEvent) - Method in interface jakarta.faces.event.PhaseListener
Handle a notification that the processing for a particular phase of the request processing lifecycle is about to begin.
beforeProcess(Object) - Method in class jakarta.batch.api.chunk.listener.AbstractItemProcessListener
Override this method if the ItemProcessListener will do something before the item is processed.
beforeProcess(Object) - Method in interface jakarta.batch.api.chunk.listener.ItemProcessListener
The beforeProcess method receives control before an item processor is called to process the next item.
beforeRead() - Method in class jakarta.batch.api.chunk.listener.AbstractItemReadListener
Override this method if the ItemReadListener will do something before the item is read.
beforeRead() - Method in interface jakarta.batch.api.chunk.listener.ItemReadListener
The beforeRead method receives control before an item reader is called to read the next item.
beforeRequest(Map<String, List<String>>) - Method in class jakarta.websocket.ClientEndpointConfig.Configurator
This method is called by the implementation after it has formulated the handshake request that will be used to initiate the connection to the server, but before it has sent any part of the request.
BeforeShutdown - Interface in jakarta.enterprise.inject.spi
The type of the final event the container fires after it has finished processing requests and destroyed all contexts.
beforeStep() - Method in class jakarta.batch.api.listener.AbstractStepListener
Override this method if the StepListener will do something before the step begins.
beforeStep() - Method in interface jakarta.batch.api.listener.StepListener
The beforeStep method receives control before a step execution begins.
beforeUnmarshal(Object, Object) - Method in class jakarta.xml.bind.Unmarshaller.Listener
Callback method invoked before unmarshalling into target.
beforeWrite(List<Object>) - Method in class jakarta.batch.api.chunk.listener.AbstractItemWriteListener
Override this method if the ItemWriteListener will do something before the items are written.
beforeWrite(List<Object>) - Method in interface jakarta.batch.api.chunk.listener.ItemWriteListener
The beforeWrite method receives control before an item writer is called to write its items.
begin - Variable in class jakarta.servlet.jsp.jstl.core.LoopTagSupport
Starting index ('begin' attribute)
begin() - Method in interface jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.spi.ThreadContextSnapshot
Applies the captured thread context snapshot to the current thread and returns a distinct ThreadContextRestorer instance.
begin() - Method in interface jakarta.enterprise.context.Conversation
Mark the current transient conversation long-running.
begin() - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.EntityTransaction
Start a resource transaction.
begin() - Method in interface jakarta.resource.cci.LocalTransaction
Begins a local transaction on an EIS instance.
begin() - Method in interface jakarta.resource.spi.LocalTransaction
Begin a local transaction
begin() - Method in interface jakarta.transaction.TransactionManager
Create a new transaction and associate it with the current thread.
begin() - Method in interface jakarta.transaction.UserTransaction
Create a new transaction and associate it with the current thread.
begin(String) - Method in interface jakarta.enterprise.context.Conversation
Mark the current transient conversation long-running, with a specified identifier.
beginCheckpoint() - Method in class jakarta.batch.api.chunk.AbstractCheckpointAlgorithm
Override this method for the CheckpointAlgorithm to do something before a checkpoint interval begins (before the next chunk transaction begins).
beginCheckpoint() - Method in interface jakarta.batch.api.chunk.CheckpointAlgorithm
The beginCheckpoint method is invoked before the next checkpoint interval begins (before the next chunk transaction begins).
beginPartitionedStep() - Method in class jakarta.batch.api.partition.AbstractPartitionReducer
Override this method to take action before partitioned step processing begins.
beginPartitionedStep() - Method in interface jakarta.batch.api.partition.PartitionReducer
The beginPartitionedStep method receives control at the start of partition processing.
beginSpecified - Variable in class jakarta.servlet.jsp.jstl.core.LoopTagSupport
Boolean flag indicating whether 'begin' was specified.
Behavior - Interface in jakarta.faces.component.behavior
The Behavior interface is the root API of the component behavior model.
BEHAVIOR - Enum constant in enum class com.sun.faces.config.Verifier.ObjectType
BEHAVIOR_EVENT_PARAM - Enum constant in enum class com.sun.faces.renderkit.RenderKitUtils.PredefinedPostbackParameter
BEHAVIOR_EVENT_PARAM_NAME - Static variable in class jakarta.faces.component.behavior.ClientBehaviorContext
The request parameter name whose request parameter value identifies the type of behavior event.
BEHAVIOR_ID - Static variable in class jakarta.faces.component.behavior.AjaxBehavior
The standard id for this behavior.
BEHAVIOR_SOURCE_PARAM - Enum constant in enum class com.sun.faces.renderkit.RenderKitUtils.PredefinedPostbackParameter
BEHAVIOR_SOURCE_PARAM_NAME - Static variable in class jakarta.faces.component.behavior.ClientBehaviorContext
The request parameter name whose request parameter value identifies the source component of behavior event.
BehaviorBase - Class in jakarta.faces.component.behavior
BehaviorBase is a convenience base class that provides a default implementation of the Behavior contract.
BehaviorBase() - Constructor for class jakarta.faces.component.behavior.BehaviorBase
BehaviorConfig - Interface in jakarta.faces.view.facelets
Convey the id of a behavior declared in a view.
BehaviorConfigHandler - Class in com.sun.faces.application.annotation
ConfigAnnotationHandler for FacesBehavior annotated classes.
BehaviorConfigHandler() - Constructor for class com.sun.faces.application.annotation.BehaviorConfigHandler
BehaviorConfigProcessor - Class in com.sun.faces.config.processor
This ConfigProcessor handles all elements defined under /faces-config/behavior.
BehaviorConfigProcessor() - Constructor for class com.sun.faces.config.processor.BehaviorConfigProcessor
BehaviorEvent - Class in jakarta.faces.event
BehaviorEvent is the event that can be generated from component Behavior.
BehaviorEvent(UIComponent, Behavior) - Constructor for class jakarta.faces.event.BehaviorEvent
Construct a new event object from the specified source component and behavior.
BehaviorEvent(FacesContext, UIComponent, Behavior) - Constructor for class jakarta.faces.event.BehaviorEvent
Construct a new event object from the Faces context, specified source component and behavior.
BehaviorHandler - Class in jakarta.faces.view.facelets
The FaceletHandler that corresponds to attached objects that represent an instance of ClientBehavior that must be added to the parent component, which must implement ClientBehaviorHolder, with a call to ClientBehaviorHolder.addClientBehavior(java.lang.String, jakarta.faces.component.behavior.ClientBehavior).
BehaviorHandler(BehaviorConfig) - Constructor for class jakarta.faces.view.facelets.BehaviorHandler
Constructs the handler using the Id from the config.
BehaviorHolderAttachedObjectHandler - Interface in jakarta.faces.view
Represent an attached object that is a BehaviorHolder in a VDL page.
BehaviorHolderAttachedObjectTarget - Interface in jakarta.faces.view
Represent a BehaviorHolder attached object target in a VDL page.
BehaviorHolderAttachedObjectTargetHandler - Class in com.sun.faces.facelets.tag.composite
BehaviorHolderAttachedObjectTargetHandler(TagConfig) - Constructor for class com.sun.faces.facelets.tag.composite.BehaviorHolderAttachedObjectTargetHandler
BehaviorHolderAttachedObjectTargetImpl - Class in com.sun.faces.facelets.tag.composite
BehaviorHolderAttachedObjectTargetImpl() - Constructor for class com.sun.faces.facelets.tag.composite.BehaviorHolderAttachedObjectTargetImpl
BehaviorHolderWrapper - Class in com.sun.faces.facelets.tag.composite
BehaviorHolderWrapper(UIComponent, String, String, ValueExpression) - Constructor for class com.sun.faces.facelets.tag.composite.BehaviorHolderWrapper
BehaviorInfo(FacesContext, AjaxBehavior, String) - Constructor for class com.sun.faces.component.behavior.AjaxBehaviors.BehaviorInfo
BehaviorListener - Interface in jakarta.faces.event
A generic base interface for event listeners for various types of BehaviorEvents.
bestGuess(Class<? extends Collection<Object>>, int) - Method in class com.sun.faces.renderkit.html_basic.MenuRenderer
between(Expression<? extends Y>, Expression<? extends Y>, Expression<? extends Y>) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create a predicate for testing whether the first argument is between the second and third arguments in value.
between(Expression<? extends Y>, Y, Y) - Method in interface jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder
Create a predicate for testing whether the first argument is between the second and third arguments in value.
bgcolor - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlDataTable.PropertyKeys
bgcolor - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlPanelGrid.PropertyKeys
BigDecimalConverter - Class in jakarta.faces.convert
Converter implementation for java.math.BigDecimal values.
BigDecimalConverter() - Constructor for class jakarta.faces.convert.BigDecimalConverter
bigDecimalValue() - Method in interface jakarta.json.JsonNumber
Returns this JSON number as a BigDecimal object.
BIGINTEGER_ID - Static variable in class jakarta.faces.convert.BigIntegerConverter
The message identifier of the FacesMessage to be created if the conversion to BigInteger fails.
BigIntegerConverter - Class in jakarta.faces.convert
Converter implementation for java.math.BigInteger values.
BigIntegerConverter() - Constructor for class jakarta.faces.convert.BigIntegerConverter
bigIntegerValue() - Method in interface jakarta.json.JsonNumber
Returns this JSON number as a BigInteger object.
bigIntegerValueExact() - Method in interface jakarta.json.JsonNumber
Returns this JSON number as a BigInteger object.
BINARY_DATA_STRATEGY - Static variable in class jakarta.json.bind.JsonbConfig
Property used to specify custom binary data strategy.
BINARY_ENCODER - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.mail.util.StreamProvider.EncoderTypes
BinaryDataStrategy - Class in jakarta.json.bind.config
Specifies predefined binary data handling strategies.
Bindable<T> - Interface in jakarta.persistence.metamodel
An instances of the type Bindable represents an object or attribute type that can be bound into a Path.
Bindable.BindableType - Enum Class in jakarta.persistence.metamodel
bindDn() - Element in annotation interface
Distinguished name for the application or administrative user that will be used to make the initial connection to the LDAP and to perform searches and lookups.
bindDnPassword() - Element in annotation interface
Password for the application/admin user defined by the bindDn member.
Binder<XmlNode> - Class in jakarta.xml.bind
Enable synchronization between XML infoset nodes and Jakarta XML Binding objects representing same XML document.
Binder() - Constructor for class jakarta.xml.bind.Binder
Do-nothing constructor for the derived classes.
Binding - Interface in
The Binding interface is the base interface for Jakarta XML Web Services protocol bindings.
BindingProvider - Interface in
The BindingProvider interface provides access to the protocol binding and associated context objects for request and response message processing.
BindingType - Annotation Interface in
The BindingType annotation is used to specify the binding to use for a web service endpoint implementation class.
BIRTHDATE - Static variable in interface
BIT7_ENCODER - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.mail.util.StreamProvider.EncoderTypes
BIT8_ENCODER - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.mail.util.StreamProvider.EncoderTypes
BODY_CONTENT_EMPTY - Static variable in class jakarta.servlet.jsp.tagext.TagInfo
Static constant for getBodyContent() when it is empty.
BODY_CONTENT_JSP - Static variable in class jakarta.servlet.jsp.tagext.TagInfo
Static constant for getBodyContent() when it is JSP.
BODY_CONTENT_SCRIPTLESS - Static variable in class jakarta.servlet.jsp.tagext.TagInfo
Static constant for getBodyContent() when it is scriptless.
BODY_CONTENT_TAG_DEPENDENT - Static variable in class jakarta.servlet.jsp.tagext.TagInfo
Static constant for getBodyContent() when it is Tag dependent.
bodyContent - Variable in class jakarta.servlet.jsp.tagext.BodyTagSupport
The current BodyContent for this BodyTag.
BodyContent - Class in jakarta.servlet.jsp.tagext
An encapsulation of the evaluation of the body of an action so it is available to a tag handler.
BodyContent(JspWriter) - Constructor for class jakarta.servlet.jsp.tagext.BodyContent
Protected constructor.
BodyPart - Class in jakarta.mail
This class models a Part that is contained within a Multipart.
BodyPart() - Constructor for class jakarta.mail.BodyPart
Creates a default BodyPart.
BodyRenderer - Class in com.sun.faces.renderkit.html_basic
This Renderer is responsible for rendering the standard HTML body element as well as rendering any resources that should be output before the body tag is closed.
BodyRenderer() - Constructor for class com.sun.faces.renderkit.html_basic.BodyRenderer
bodyrows - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlDataTable.PropertyKeys
bodyrows - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlPanelGrid.PropertyKeys
BodyTag - Interface in jakarta.servlet.jsp.tagext
The BodyTag interface extends IterationTag by defining additional methods that let a tag handler manipulate the content of evaluating its body.
BodyTagSupport - Class in jakarta.servlet.jsp.tagext
A base class for defining tag handlers implementing BodyTag.
BodyTagSupport() - Constructor for class jakarta.servlet.jsp.tagext.BodyTagSupport
Default constructor, all subclasses are required to only define a public constructor with the same signature, and to call the superclass constructor.
BodyTerm - Class in
This class implements searches on a message body.
BodyTerm(String) - Constructor for class
BOOLEAN - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.enterprise.lang.model.AnnotationMember.Kind
A primitive boolean value.
BOOLEAN - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.enterprise.lang.model.types.PrimitiveType.PrimitiveKind
The boolean primitive type
BOOLEAN_ID - Static variable in class jakarta.faces.convert.BooleanConverter
The message identifier of the FacesMessage to be created if the conversion to Boolean fails.
BooleanConverter - Class in jakarta.faces.convert
Converter implementation for java.lang.Boolean (and boolean primitive) values.
BooleanConverter() - Constructor for class jakarta.faces.convert.BooleanConverter
bootstrap(Application, SeBootstrap.Configuration) - Method in class
Perform startup of the application in Java SE environments.
bootstrap(Class<? extends Application>, SeBootstrap.Configuration) - Method in class
Perform startup of the application in Java SE environments.
BootstrapConfiguration - Interface in jakarta.validation
Represents the user specified default configuration in META-INF/validation.xml.
BootstrapContext - Interface in jakarta.resource.spi
This provides a mechanism to pass a bootstrap context to a resource adapter instance when it is bootstrapped.
BootstrapState - Interface in jakarta.validation.spi
Defines the state used to bootstrap the Configuration.
border - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlDataTable.PropertyKeys
border - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlPanelGrid.PropertyKeys
border - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlSelectManyCheckbox.PropertyKeys
border - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.faces.component.html.HtmlSelectOneRadio.PropertyKeys
BOTH - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder.Trimspec
Trim from both ends.
bounds() - Method in interface jakarta.enterprise.lang.model.types.TypeVariable
Returns the bounds declared for this type variable.
broadcast(BehaviorEvent) - Method in class com.sun.faces.facelets.tag.composite.RetargetedAjaxBehavior
broadcast(BehaviorEvent) - Method in interface jakarta.faces.component.behavior.Behavior
Broadcast the specified BehaviorEvent to all registered event listeners who have expressed an interest in events of this type.
broadcast(BehaviorEvent) - Method in class jakarta.faces.component.behavior.BehaviorBase
broadcast(FacesEvent) - Method in class com.sun.faces.facelets.compiler.UILeaf
broadcast(FacesEvent) - Method in class com.sun.faces.facelets.component.UIRepeat
broadcast(FacesEvent) - Method in class com.sun.faces.facelets.tag.composite.BehaviorHolderWrapper
broadcast(FacesEvent) - Method in class jakarta.faces.component.UICommand
In addition to to the default UIComponent.broadcast(jakarta.faces.event.FacesEvent) processing, pass the ActionEvent being broadcast to the method referenced by actionListener (if any), and to the default ActionListener registered on the Application.
broadcast(FacesEvent) - Method in class jakarta.faces.component.UIComponent
Broadcast the specified FacesEvent to all registered event listeners who have expressed an interest in events of this type.
broadcast(FacesEvent) - Method in class jakarta.faces.component.UIComponentBase
broadcast(FacesEvent) - Method in class jakarta.faces.component.UIData
Override the default UIComponentBase.broadcast(jakarta.faces.event.FacesEvent) processing to unwrap any wrapped FacesEvent and reset the current row index, before the event is actually broadcast.
broadcast(FacesEvent) - Method in class jakarta.faces.component.UIViewAction
Enable the method invocation specified by this component instance to return a value that performs navigation, similar in spirit to UICommand.broadcast(jakarta.faces.event.FacesEvent).
broadcast(OutboundSseEvent) - Method in interface
Publish an SSE event to all registered SseEventSink instances.
broadcastEvents(FacesContext, PhaseId) - Method in class jakarta.faces.component.UIViewRoot
Broadcast any events that have been queued.
bufferEntity() - Method in class
Buffer the message entity data.
bufferSize - Variable in class jakarta.servlet.jsp.JspWriter
The size of the buffer used by the JspWriter.
bufpos - Variable in class jakarta.mail.util.SharedFileInputStream
The file offset that corresponds to the first byte in the read buffer.
bufsize - Variable in class jakarta.mail.util.SharedFileInputStream
The normal size of the read buffer.
build() - Method in interface jakarta.enterprise.event.NotificationOptions.Builder
Build the notification options
build() - Method in interface
Returns an AnnotationInfo that includes all annotation members defined by previous method calls on this builder.
build() - Method in interface jakarta.enterprise.invoke.InvokerBuilder
Returns the built Invoker or some representation of it.
build() - Method in interface jakarta.json.bind.JsonbBuilder
Returns a new instance of Jsonb based on the parameters and configuration specified previously in this builder.
build() - Method in interface jakarta.json.JsonArrayBuilder
Returns the current array.
build() - Method in interface jakarta.json.JsonObjectBuilder
Returns the JSON object associated with this object builder.
build() - Method in interface jakarta.json.JsonPatchBuilder
Returns the JSON Patch.
build() - Method in class jakarta.websocket.ClientEndpointConfig.Builder
Builds a configuration object using the attributes set on this builder.
build() - Method in class jakarta.websocket.server.ServerEndpointConfig.Builder
Builds the configuration object using the current attributes that have been set on this builder object.
build() - Method in class
Build a new client instance using all the configuration previously specified in this client builder.
build() - Method in class
Build a new Cookie instance using all the configuration previously specified in this builder.
build() - Method in class
build() - Method in interface
Builds a new EntityPart instance using the provided property values.
build() - Method in class
Build a new NewCookie instance using all the configuration previously specified in this builder.
build() - Method in class
build() - Method in class
Create a Response instance from the current ResponseBuilder.
build() - Method in class
Add the current combination of metadata to the list of supported variants (provided the current combination of metadata is not empty) and build a list of representation variants from the current state of the builder.
build() - Method in interface
Builds a bootstrap configuration instance from the provided property values.
build() - Method in interface
build() - Method in class
Build new SSE event source pointing at a SSE streaming web target.
build() - Method in class
Builds a W3CEndpointReference from the accumulated properties set on this W3CEndpointReferenceBuilder instance.
build(Object...) - Method in interface
Finish building this link using the supplied values as URI parameters.
build(Object...) - Method in class
Build a URI, using the supplied values in order to replace any URI template parameters.
build(Object[], boolean) - Method in class
Build a URI, using the supplied values in order to replace any URI template parameters.
build(String) - Method in interface
Build a request invocation using an arbitrary request method name.
build(String, Entity<?>) - Method in interface
Build a request invocation using an arbitrary request method name and request entity.
BuildCompatibleExtension - Interface in
Build compatible extensions are service providers for this interface, as defined in ServiceLoader.
buildConstraintViolationWithTemplate(String) - Method in interface jakarta.validation.ConstraintValidatorContext
Returns a constraint violation builder building a violation report allowing to optionally associate it to a sub path.
buildDefaultValidatorFactory() - Static method in class jakarta.validation.Validation
Builds and returns a ValidatorFactory instance based on the default Jakarta Validation provider and following the XML configuration.
buildDelete() - Method in interface
Build a DELETE request invocation.
builder - Variable in class
builder() - Static method in interface jakarta.enterprise.event.NotificationOptions
builder() - Static method in interface
Creates a new bootstrap configuration builder instance.
Builder() - Constructor for class
Allows custom implementations to extend the SSE event source builder class.
Builder(Cookie) - Constructor for class
Create a new instance supplementing the information in the supplied cookie.
Builder(String) - Constructor for class
Create a new instance.
Builder(String) - Constructor for class
Create a new instance.
buildFacesResolver(FacesCompositeELResolver, ApplicationAssociate) - Static method in class com.sun.faces.el.ELUtils
Create the ELResolver chain for programmatic EL calls.
buildFromEncoded(Object...) - Method in class
Build a URI.
buildFromEncodedMap(Map<String, ?>) - Method in class
Build a URI.
buildFromMap(Map<String, ?>) - Method in class
Build a URI.
buildFromMap(Map<String, ?>, boolean) - Method in class
Build a URI.
buildGet() - Method in interface
Build a GET request invocation.
buildPost(Entity<?>) - Method in interface
Build a POST request invocation.
buildPut(Entity<?>) - Method in interface
Build a PUT request invocation.
buildRelativized(URI, Object...) - Method in interface
Finish building this link using the supplied values as URI parameters and relativize the result with respect to the supplied URI.
BuildServices - Interface in
Service provider interface for various services needed by BuildCompatibleExtension implementations.
BuildServicesResolver - Class in
An internal helper to resolve BuildServices implementations.
BuildServicesResolver() - Constructor for class
buildValidatorFactory() - Method in interface jakarta.validation.Configuration
Build a ValidatorFactory implementation.
buildValidatorFactory(ConfigurationState) - Method in interface jakarta.validation.spi.ValidationProvider
Build a ValidatorFactory using the current provider implementation.
buildView(FacesContext, UIViewRoot) - Method in class com.sun.faces.application.view.FaceletViewHandlingStrategy
buildView(FacesContext, UIViewRoot) - Method in class jakarta.faces.view.ViewDeclarationLanguage
Take any actions specific to this VDL implementation to cause the argument UIViewRoot which must have been created via a call to ViewDeclarationLanguage.createView(jakarta.faces.context.FacesContext, java.lang.String), to be populated with children.
buildView(FacesContext, UIViewRoot) - Method in class jakarta.faces.view.ViewDeclarationLanguageWrapper
Built-in scopes - Search tag in package jakarta.enterprise.context
BUNDLE_RESOLVER - Static variable in class com.sun.faces.el.ELUtils
BusyConversationException - Exception Class in jakarta.enterprise.context
Indicates that the container has rejected a request because a concurrent request is associated with the same conversation context.
BusyConversationException() - Constructor for exception class jakarta.enterprise.context.BusyConversationException
Creates the exception with no detail message or cause.
BusyConversationException(String) - Constructor for exception class jakarta.enterprise.context.BusyConversationException
Creates the exception with given detail message.
BusyConversationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class jakarta.enterprise.context.BusyConversationException
Creates the exception with given detail message and cause.
BusyConversationException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class jakarta.enterprise.context.BusyConversationException
Creates the exception with given cause.
ButtonRenderer - Class in com.sun.faces.renderkit.html_basic
ButtonRenderer is a class that renders the current value of UICommand as a Button.
ButtonRenderer() - Constructor for class com.sun.faces.renderkit.html_basic.ButtonRenderer
by(Sort<? super T>...) - Static method in class
Defines a list of Sort criteria, ordered from highest precedence to lowest precedence.
By - Annotation Interface in
Annotates a parameter of a repository method, specifying a mapping to a persistent field:
byDefaultProvider() - Static method in class jakarta.validation.Validation
Builds a Configuration.
BYPASS - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.persistence.CacheRetrieveMode
Bypass the cache: get data directly from the database.
BYPASS - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.persistence.CacheStoreMode
Don't insert into cache.
byProvider(Class<U>) - Static method in class jakarta.validation.Validation
Builds a Configuration for a particular provider implementation.
BYTE - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.enterprise.lang.model.AnnotationMember.Kind
A primitive byte value.
BYTE - Enum constant in enum class jakarta.enterprise.lang.model.types.PrimitiveType.PrimitiveKind
The byte primitive type
BYTE - Static variable in class jakarta.json.bind.config.BinaryDataStrategy
Using this strategy, binary data is encoded as a byte array.
BYTE_ID - Static variable in class jakarta.faces.convert.ByteConverter
The message identifier of the FacesMessage to be created if the conversion to Byte fails.
ByteArrayDataSource - Class in jakarta.mail.util
A DataSource backed by a byte array.
ByteArrayDataSource(byte[], String) - Constructor for class jakarta.mail.util.ByteArrayDataSource
Create a ByteArrayDataSource with data from the specified byte array and with the specified MIME type.
ByteArrayDataSource(InputStream, String) - Constructor for class jakarta.mail.util.ByteArrayDataSource
Create a ByteArrayDataSource with data from the specified InputStream and with the specified MIME type.
ByteArrayDataSource(String, String) - Constructor for class jakarta.mail.util.ByteArrayDataSource
Create a ByteArrayDataSource with data from the specified String and with the specified MIME type.
ByteArrayGuard - Class in com.sun.faces.renderkit
This utility class is to provide both encryption and decryption Ciphers to ResponseStateManager implementations wishing to provide encryption support.
ByteArrayGuard() - Constructor for class com.sun.faces.renderkit.ByteArrayGuard
ByteArrayGuardAESCTR - Class in com.sun.faces.util
This utility class is to provide both encryption and decryption Ciphers to ResponseStateManager implementations wishing to provide encryption support.
ByteArrayGuardAESCTR() - Constructor for class com.sun.faces.util.ByteArrayGuardAESCTR
ByteConverter - Class in jakarta.faces.convert
Converter implementation for java.lang.Byte (and byte primitive) values.
ByteConverter() - Constructor for class jakarta.faces.convert.ByteConverter
BytesMessage - Interface in jakarta.jms
A BytesMessage object is used to send a message containing a stream of uninterpreted bytes.
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