Annotation Interface LoginToContinue

@Inherited @InterceptorBinding @Retention(RUNTIME) @Target(TYPE) public @interface LoginToContinue
The LoginToContinue annotation provides an application the ability to declaratively add login to continue functionality to an authentication mechanism.

When the LoginToContinue annotation is used on a custom authentication mechanism, Expression Language expressions in attributes of type String are evaluated for every request requiring authentication. Both immediate and deferred syntax is supported, but effectively the semantics are always deferred.

When the LoginToContinue annotation is used as attribute in either the FormAuthenticationMechanismDefinition or CustomFormAuthenticationMechanismDefinition, expressions using immediate syntax are evaluated only once when the HttpAuthenticationMechanism bean is created. Since these beans are application scoped, this means only once per application. Expressions using deferred syntax are evaluated as described above when the LoginToContinue annotation is used on a custom authentication mechanism.